After my little ride of emotions, I came back to the house which I currently live in with a happy feeling swelling through all parts of my body.
Reaching the boundary, I turned around the corner to welcome the usual sight of Mr. Singh and Mrs. Singh - the owners of the house - sitting outside talking with eachother.
But I did not see the same sight I did every time. Instead, I saw all the kids, uncles, aunties and Mr. Singh and Mrs. Singh standing in front of the gate while having a wide yet sad smile playing on their lips.
"What is all this?" I asked.
"You told us that you will move out of this place tomorrow at evening and would not return. All these years you lived here, due to that we have gotten attached to you but we will not stop as you deserve to go there as a result of your hard work throughout these years. You all helped these people in slums a lot and your kindness is undeniable.
That is why we all started to prepare to give you a nice farewell. We could not prepare too much in this short span of time but we did all we could. Please come inside." Mrs. Singh or as I call her Aunty said.
The love they had for me again made me emotional.
' What's got you so emotional today Ms. Saanvi?'
I questioned myself in my head. And turned my attention to the people welcoming me after receiving no response.
I got overwhelmed by emotions when I saw that they had hung cute little pictures of us of the five years I lived here on the wall.
I hugged each of them and together we celebrated a long fun day.
(I am not going into details of this thing because then the chapter will get too long.)
The next morning I woke up feeling a little out of place. I did not know if it was because I would be leaving the house I lived in four years today or I would not be able to stay and explore the place I discovered just yesterday.
I groaned and shook my head trying to get that place off my head. That place is in my head from yesterday I don't know why.
I got up huffing and settled my bed. I brushed my teeth and showered. I came out of room and saw Aunty and Uncle(Mr. And Mrs. Singh) sitting in the dining room.
I smiled before going to them and hugging them from behind.
In these five years I lived here, I had developed a special king of relationship with them and considered them my parents.
They too shared the sentiment and considered me their daughter.
I sat down, are my breakfast and after that roamed a little in the surroundings. I knew I would miss this place even though it is a slum, this is where I practically saw the world.
At around noon I came home and saw many people in the house and they all lunged for me to talk to me for the last time before I move out.
Then we all calmly sat down and talked for hours. Some people occasionally stood up and went away either to bring some snacks or their back would be strained.
Three hours gone and we are still talking, forgetting that we had things to do other than this too. When I got a little sense I told them I have to pack as I hadn't packed till now but an aunty said she would pack it and took two ladies with her and went to my room.
I was comfortable enough with them to not stop them. Then I again got engrossed with the talking.
They came back and handed me my bag. I stood up making all of them stand up too and for the last time I again hugged them and went away.
(Author : I am sorry if this may sound rushed or immature writing but I want to publish this chapter today.)
I did not dare try to look back because I knew if I did that I would not be able to leave. I bid them goodbye without turning back. Then sat in the taxi I called from the city.
And finally left the secluded area. As I traveled to the city to settle there my eyes fell to the region I discovered yesterday. I felt a strong pull towards the ground and I almost got out of the car.
But stopped as the ground disappeared from view because of the car's speed. 'Right I am in a running car I can't possibly get out of this car without stopping it.' I sighed as I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the seat. That place...... That place has an important significance in my life, I know it.
That is why I feel so attracted to it but I am not going to be here anymore so maybe the purpose this place was supposed to fulfill won't be fulfilled.
But little did she know.... This place had already started achieving its goal.
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