The delicate petal that is hidden underneath the strong one.
But turns out, that she is the strongest among all, and she was hidden to prevent her attacking someone.
Her parents were the king and the queen. And her brother was supposed to be the king, but he was too small to handle the country affairs.
She was 20 and he was just 11. She started learning state affairs at the age of 7. 3 years before her brother was born, but when her brother was born, she could not leave the study because she knew the kingdom could come under attack anytime.
And soon, she got interested in it and had grown a liking towards it, and no one stopped her.
And the result was that now, when some important meeting is held, she is not present there but she is always informed of every single detail and the order which is going to passed would be passed after her approval.
She had also learnt various arts. Horse riding, sewing, and a mouth that spoke smart words, without much sugar coating sometimes. And she also knew a sword fighting techniques.
She was not perfect in these, if you question that how can someone be so perfect. But, she was close to perfect in one thing, that is the state affairs and how to handle it.
There are obviously mistakes made by her and she corrects herself after she realises it.
Although she was very talented in state affairs and art forms, she also knew the work of home. But a little less. Because she did not like it.
Then, a very painful day came. She was sitting in her room, sewing. She liked to do it in her free time.
But then, a attendee came in and said that enemies had broken into the forts outside boundary and Jyotigarh's soldiers were fighting.
Many people were killed and many people were getting injured because of it. The state was not prepared for this war. Because it came from Singhanias who had good relations with Jyotigarh. But it was not the friends kind of relation so they kind of expected it, always.
But not this time, when people were starving in their kingdom because the crop in their kingdom was spoiled, this was not the time Jyotigarh was expecting war, atleast not from them.
But here they were anyway, blinded by their selfishness and taking the innocent lives of thousands of people, be it the people of Jyotigarh or their own people.
Adipriya stood up and went to the balcony, and watched the fierce battle happening between both the kingdoms.
Her heart raced as she saw her father and small brother fighting.
She had to help them, so she changed into her war attire which would help her fight a little easier.
Till this time, the enemies had already came inside the boundary. She knew it, but what she didn't know was....
Her mother and sister were held hostage by the enemies without any ones knowledge, even her mother and sister themselves. Because they were unconscious.
The Singhanias had planned to blackmail Jyotigarh's king if their army failed to sabotage them, which was expected as they knew, Jyotigarh's army was no joke.
The army would kill and would be killed for the royals. The ones who they were loyal to. The king, queen and family.
As Adipriya fought with the soldiers and killed them, she knew Jyotigarh was winning.
A smile came on her face and she thought,
This would have been a lot more serious, I am happy this is over.
But as soon as she looked at the dead soldiers pilled up at a place, her eyes immediately turned cold and her lips dropped low. Now, anger flashed in her eyes and she thought thousands of ways to punish the enemies and their sardar(head) in a mere fraction of moment.
Her thoughts were soon stopped when she spotted a attendee running towards worriedly. A frown made its way to her forehead as she jogged towards her and asked why was she here.
"You are requested to run away by your father and brother, princess. You-your mother and sister have been kidnapped and taken away by the Singhanias. And your father and brother are taken away for negotiation." She whispered in my ear shaking.
I froze when I heard it. It couldn't be....
"K-Kya? Nahi. Nahi. Aesa nahi ho sakta hai. Hame-Hame jaana hoga. Woh Singhania bahut hi chatur hai. Woh Pitashree ko apni baat kehne nahi denge. Aur, aur Anuj wahaa kyu gye hai? Unhe-Unhe iss kutniti ka koi Gyan nahi hai. Woh abhi bhi baalak hi hai."
(Wh-What? No. Noo. This cannot happen. I-I have to go. The Singhanias are very cunning. They won't let father put his word in front. And, why did my little brother go there? He-he does not know anything about the dirty politics played there. He is only a kid till now.)
I tried to make sense. But I didn't know if it did or not, I just wanted to go there and take my father and brother out of the mess.
I took my legs forward, stumbling. But the attendee stopped me from going further. I looked at her and said with fury in my words. I couldn't think straight.
(Why are you stopping me? They need me. Let me go.)
I said and tried to lower her hand but she looked down and said,
"Hame shama kariya rajkumari, par Maharaj ne hame yeh sakt aadesh diya hai ki aapko kisi bhi prakar uss sthaan pe jaane se roke. Waha khatra hai. Aur woh nahi chahte aap waha Jaye."
"Forgive me, princess. But the king has strictly ordered me to not let you go at that place. There is danger at that place. And he does not want you to come there."
She said. I tried to justify,
"Aapne swayam kha ki waha jaane me khatra hai isilye hame waha jaana hai. Anuj apni baat kese kehna hai nahi jaanta hai parantu ham jaante hai. Aur Pitashree ka swasth bhi acchi nahi hai. Hame nahi lagta woh bhi baat kar payenge jiss shan matashree unke saamne hogi."
"You yourself told there is danger in going there. My younger brother is not mature enough to know how to talk to Singhanias but I know how to talk with them. Fathe us also sick, and I don't think he will be able to talk when mother is infront of him."
I said. And pools of tears made a home in my eyes.
"Rajkumari, Maharaj ne yeh patra aapko dene ko kahaa hai. Aap ise padh kar shayad unki chinta samajh jaye. Ham isse aage aapko aur nhi rok sakte. Hame shama kijiye"
"Princess, The king has told to deliver this letter to you. Maybe you would understand his worry by reading this. I cannot stop you more. Forgive me."
She handed me a letter while saying that.
"हमारी पुत्री, हमें पता है कि आप को इस समय अत्यन्त ही क्रोध अनुभव हो रहा है। परंतु, हमारी स्थिति भी समझने का प्रयास करीये। हमारी पत्नी और पुत्री उन लोगों के कब्जे़ में है जो उन्हें हानी पहूंचाने में तनिक मात्र का भी विलंब नहीं करेंगे। और हमारे पुत्र, जो अभी केवल एक बालक है। अब ऐसे में, हमारी और से राज्य की केवल आप ही एक उम्मीद बची है।
हम यह नहीं कह रहे कि आप भाग जाएं। हम बस इतना कह रहे हैं कि आपकी शक्ति इस समय कमजोर है और हम अपनी आखरी उम्मीद को बुझता हुआ नहीं देखना चाहते हैं। आप किसी और राज्य में जाकर अपनी सेना बनाएं।
- आपके प्रिय पिताश्री।"
(Should I give translation here?)
I understand now. But I still hesitated after seeing a tear stain on the paper.
Making my mind stable, I knew it was the only way now.
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