The man tied me to a rough rope that bruised my arms and exposed areas. He slowly moved towards me, with eyes holding no emotion, far from holding shame. I felt frightened and I knew there was no escape from this trap of the rope until he frees me himself. And I did not think that it would any sooner.
He came closer, touching my arms, making me feel disgusted.
I closed my eyes and tried to speak,
"Take that filthy hand of yours away from my skin, you fucking bastard." I screamed.
He grabbed my chin and spoke while spatting out venom from his mouth, "How dare you scream at me, huh. You are at my mercy at this moment and I can kill you with a snap of my finger. Remember that." Then he jerked my chin and left to talk with his daughter.
I would rather be an orphan than have a dad like that and I knew Nisha wished that too. But she could not do it, till now.
He squeezed her arm in his palms and dragged her almost lifeless body through the hall, and when he reached me, he pushed her next to me. Nisha tried to get near me, maybe to provide comfort, maybe to get comfort, maybe to protect me, maybe to protect herself. I didn't knew. And I knew better than pulling that matter up. So I just let her be.
But the man could not see us behave like sisters.
"You two treat each others like sisters. Ok, then let's see the reaction of two so called sisters if I kill them both, one after one." Cruel.
Grabbing my neck, he dug his nails in my neck. Causing a pain to shoot my body. Suffocation made me squirm to break my hands free.
5 seconds passed...... 10 seconds passed.... 15 seconds passed and he still didn't remove his hand which was choking me. And he was clearly not in the mind to let go because he wanted to let Nisha know that I would die because of her. That she was not capable enough for anyone's love. He told himself her that infront of me, and the poor girl just begged to let me off. And she did one thing I hated. Begging. But this was not her fault, she just did not want me to get hurt. Although this was not possible now, I guess.
Just when I was completely losing my consciousness, there was loud, rather aggressive knock on the door.
"Police, open the door. We are police, we were called here to help. Please open the door." Sensing that something was wrong after no one opened the door, the police broke the door and went inside.
Bursting inside, they saw a man choking a girl, so they shot him in the leg. And he immediately let her off.
They ran towards the two blood-covered girls and both were unconscious.
Two of the officers picked them up and took them the hospital. The man was kept in a temporary jail for now.
Time skip to Saanvi waking up.
Saanvi pov
A white room with machines beeping around. And a medium soft bed with my body in pain.
Why am I in a hospital?
I looked around and found myself laying on the hospital bed as a patient and there were some people around me that were looking at me with serious eyes.
I tried to sit up and one of the people, a woman, helped me up.
What kind of a drama is this? I just got a tiny scratch kind of injury on my neck. But why am I feeling this weak?
"Not to worry, miss. The man choked you and if someone chokes someone. There are definite to feel weak for a little time. You will be better in some time." The woman told me.
"I am sorry, but who are you all?" I asked.
"Uhh, yaa. We are officers. Our clothes right now don't look like we are but we are. Here are our Ids." A man showed me an Id.
I just nodded. Suddenly, Nisha's thought crossed my mind.
"Where's Nisha?" I blurt out.
They just simply pointed at a girl lying peacefully in the bed next to me. Who was none other than Nisha.
"Can you tell us who was that man, what were you doing in the house and why had he beaten up her this bad and not to mention, tried to kill you. Which he did to that girl too, seeing he bruises." The officers enquired. Yup, they were gonna do their buisness and leave.
I took a deep breath and started,"I am Saanvi. That girl, Nisha's friend. We are more like sisters. Although it had been a month only since we meet but we became very close. Today, I had went to meet her and when I was returning home, I realised that I had forgotten my phone with her. I took a U-turn and went to her home. I had knocked in her home's door but got no response by anyone. Instead, there was a loud, um, plate shattering voice and her scream. I got worried so I broke into her house and found that he was abusing her. And he was her father." Disgusting. It was disgusting how people could do this. With their own blood.
"Hmmm, ok." Came from the officer. Another person came near his ear and whispered something.
"Miss Saanvi. The man said that this was his daughter and he abused her since she was 11. The doctor said that she might have a trauma from it. As you are her friend, I am telling you this. You should probably rest now."
"Can I take care of her from now till she is 18?" She was about to turn 17 this week and I really grew to care about her so I thought that maybe we could be like friends if not families. Because both of us don't have parents.
"You are asking us?" Right. Duffer.
I stepped down the bed in the speed of light and hugged her.
She hugged me back after seeing that it was me. She cried in my embrace and a few years came out from my eyes as well.
After a few minutes, she calmed down and I wiped away her tears.
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