11 ~ Nisha pours her heart out to Saanvi

You must be wondering who can have this deep relationship in just one month, so you can imagine it has been two months since they met. 😁


This chapter is 1311 words.

So enjoy!!!!



Saanvi pov.

As I hugged Nisha, I could sense that she flinched, hard, when I wrapped my arms around her. But she eventually let me comfort her and let her tear flow free.

After minutes of crying, she calmed down and broke the hug. A part of me missed the warmth she gave and I am sure she did too.

Then the police interrupted, making her look at them.

"Nisha, could you tell us what happened there and why was that man beating you." Fucking officers.

They know what happened, still they are asking questions that would trigger her. And they also know that she may have a attack but still.

I tried my best to stop my nose from flaring and said as calmly as I could, "Officer, she is lying on a hospital bed, for gods sake. Keep your questions to you for the time because you know the answers."

I would understand if they needed answers but they knew the answers and for no reason they are still asking questions to her. Which clearly made her uncomfortable as she shifted slightly towards me.

"Okay, we are sorry. But we will come again and and clarify all that your father said." Why the fuck were they so direct. Couldn't they tell these where Nisha wasn't present?

They left, anyway, and I shifted my attention to her.

She looked at me asked, kind of guilty, "Why did you do that, Di? Because of me, you got hurt and would've died if it weren't for the police that came there."

"Ishu, don't ever take blame for what happened to you and me, okay? And why did you not tell me that your father was abusing you, huh? Don't you trust me enough to take you to somewhere safe? I had told you multiple times that if any problem comes, you must come to me, then?" I said softly. I had nicknamed Nisha, Ishu.

"No, it is not like that Di. I didn't want to trouble you. All my friends had left me when they found out, you were like a sister to me, di. I did not want to lose you too. And my father told me that if I tried to tell you something, he would harm you. I couldn't bear that. That is why we had rushed endings when you came to meet me. Because he used to come where we talk and try to harm you." Ishu's eyes teared up once again. I sat on the bed beside her.

"And he would beat you after you would protect me. Right?" I completed for her.

She looked up at me with so much emotions, my heart pained.

I gulped down the emotions which were trying to come up front, I had to comfort Ishu right now. She needs it.

But, should I ask her why the man used to beat her? No. Yes. No. Yes. Maybe the burden she's been carrying would be a little relieved.

"Ishu, do you want to talk about it? Only if you want to. I thought it may help you relax a bit." As soon I said that, she crashed in my arms and started pouring her heart out.

"Di, he was not like that from the beginning. He used to love me a lot. He used to love my mother too," I had this strong urge to ask her about her mother, but I decided to let her continue. "But my mother is dead now. Actually, she died ten years ago, the time he started beating me. He was crazy for my mother. So crazy that he had kidnapped my mother to marry her. And only on mother's saying, he had loved me. He did not love me as his own child be-because.... Because."

She broke down completely now. And I tightened my arms around her. I regretted asking her this. She wouldn't have cried now if I hadn't asked her.

"I am sorry I asked you this. I should've known it would hurt you. I am sorry."

"N-No, di. I want to tell you everything. I want to know if you would be with even after knowing everything. I want to. Let me." I nodded, but told her she could stop anytime she felt uncomfortable.

She took a deep breath and continued, almost breaking down again. And it hurt to see someone so dear to break down when you haven't seen them in even a sad mood.

And even more when you know that person was pretending to be happy. Like here.

She started, "He did not love me because I was not his child. And I am really glad that he was not my father, that I was not that monster's blood.

My mother loved someone else. And she was pregnant with me when he kidnapped her. He was a powerful man, so for me and her, so chose to pretend to love him. But never did she fall for him, how could she? He was cruel. But one day, she had enough. Some thing happened between them, I don't know what, and she was broken. The-Th-Then," she paused, trying to get some air and i stroke her hair, trying to comfort her.

She began again, "Then, she took her own life, I had gone to school then. When I came home, I saw her laying on the ground, with blood on her clothes and knife in her stomach. But she was breathing, she had looked at me and said, "I am sorry, Nisha. I couldn't handle it anymore. I am really sorry, I am leaving you alone. With this cruel man, but promise me. Pro-promise me that you will find your father. Your real father." Till that time, I thought he was my father, but he wasn't. And I was relieved but, but." Now she cried harder than ever and it took her a few minutes after she continued.

"But, she died after telling me that. After taking a promise from me to find my father whom I had not even known till then. I had the knife in my hand and the man came in at that moment. He thought i-i killed her. I told him that I didn't kill her. Why would I kill my mom? But he was in no mood to listen. And since then, he used to treat me like shit." I was crying along with her till now. How could she bear so much pain.

"He wouldn't abandon me because he had promised my mother that he would feed me." She told and finished.

Then, she cried and cried, remembering the most painful moments of her life. She laughed too, remembering the sweet memories. And I let her do it.

After an hour, she had fallen asleep. And I removed her head from my lap to strech out a little, her laying her head on my lap had made my legs a little numb.

My heart still pained imagining my sweet Ishu suffering so much. I stood for a while and then went to sit by the window in the room.

Food came in and I slowly ate, thinking about the man, Ishu, and what happened in 24 hours.

I want to take her responsibility till she is independent. Will she allow me to take care of her?

I thought and looked at the peaceful looking Nisha sleeping on the bed. Only if I knew how much pain she has still in her mind.....

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