I and Raghav were eating the food he brought. But then, we heard a shifting noise and looked at Ishu's bed, wondering if she was awake.
Indeed, she was. She was rubbing her eyes with her palm after getting a good sleep which I judged the poor girl did not have in a long, long time as she looked so peaceful and happy.
"Ishu, you are awake. Come on. Eat. Oh, so sorry. I did not introduce you two. Ishu, this is Mr-i mean Raghav. The M.D in my company and also a friend. And Raghav, this is Nisha. I call her Ishu."
I introduced them to each other but I think it was of no use as they were already communicating with just their eyes, way better than how I could talk with some people.
"Hello. Come back to the world. I need to eat before the food gets cold, and you need to, too." I snapped my fingers before Raghav's eyes, because he was close to me.
And because of that, Ishu too snapped out of the trance.
"Huh? What-What are you saying, di? I am not lost in his eyes." Ishu said hurriedly. And I tried to hide my smile before I spoke.
"Oh? But I didn't say that you were lost in his eyes." I said mischievously.
Oh this is so fun, and this face of hers, I want to laugh so bad.
And I did. I couldn't control it when I saw the expressions on their faces, it was like they were caught red handed while doing something.(Not that something.)
"Sorry. So sorry. But I just- oh my god, I just couldn't stop laughing. Your faces were so hilarious."
I held my stomach when it pained because how hard, loud and long I laughed.
Honestly, this was the first time in a month that I have laughed this hard.
The last time being, when Ishu cracked a silly joke and embarrassed herself.
After a little while, I calmed down and wiped the tears flowing from eyes because of the laughing.
Then I looked up and yet again, a wave of laughter escaped as I looked at their expressions looking at me like, 'Ha, yeh karlo pehle.'
Then I calmed down for final, and without looking at him, I told him to start eating. And then went towards Ishu, still smiling, and helped her walk.
When she was about to sit, I went to the table where her food was kept. Just as Ishu was about to sit, she stumbled because of the pain in her back and was about to fall.
I quickly went towards her, but I was late. Fortunately, Raghav caught her just in the nick of time and placed her in the couch.
And double fortunately, this time, there were not lost in each other's eyes.
I just hope I don't feel like a third wheel when we three are together.
I sat down and gave Ishu her food, and digest in mine again, till the time she was awake, I had almost finished my food so it didn't took mush time for me to finish. Whereas, Raghav the slow eater(like me) was not even halfway the food.
I felt like I ate too fast today, was it the hunger or was it to help Ishu eat her food, I didn't know.
Speaking of which, I noticed Ishu was not able to eat properly so I picked up her bowl and fed her.
Then, when the slow eater was done too, we sat back and I said to Ishu, "Ishu, see. Your father is arrested now. You need not worry about him. But, you need to live in the house now, right? But I figured that you would not want to live in that house.... Uhm.. I."
I stuttered, hesitation creeping in me. But Nisha kept her hand on my hand and encouged me to speak. Seriously, when I am talking about something that is hurting her, how can she keep a straight face.
I could look right through it, but many couldn't.
"So, I thought that... That you might want to stay with me till you find a house, or till you want."
I asked, not sure if she would want to. I felt like she could even break our friendship because of me speaking of this, for some unknown reason.
Thankfully, she smiled and said,"Ofcourse di, I would absolutely love to. You know, I always wanted to live with you. Ofcourse I would come."
I smiled and nodded.
Time skip to 15 days later.
Today was the day Ishu was going to be discharged and was going to come to my house.
There were maids appointed in my house specially to take care of her, the people were hired who were trusted only after thorough investigation.
I was running around, checking the preparations and checking if everything was done nearly and correctly or not.
Raghav came to me and asked me to hurry up because we had to pick up Nisha from the hospital.
I nodded and went him to the hospital, in these days Raghav and Ishu were becoming a stranger-type of friends and I was glad Ishu was having a sort of male friend and just anyone in her side other than me.
We rode to the hospital then the room after fulfilling the formalities and saw Ishu in the clothes she used to wear before all this.
"Now that's how I want my Ishu to be." I complimented her. But she seemed tense, or atleast uneasy.
I asked her what had happened and she told me or sort of asked me,"Di, I know I have no right to ask you this but can you buy me new clothes, these ones-"
"Come on. Ofcourse I can. And why don't you have a right? Ofcourse you do. I am you sister. You can ask me anything. But not now. We will go out house and fresh up then go to shop." I smiled and hugged her
"Yes, our. From the moment you agreed to come to my house, it had become our. And always will be. Now let's go."
I took her out, Raghav was coming from the reception and when he looked at us, he took us out and we sat in the car and drove to my house.
After a little while, we reached here and I told Ishu to be seated there. Then I went inside and took her inside. As soon as we entered, ribbons were thrown at us and ballons too.
I knew Ishu was a kid at heart so I arranged all of this, Raghav was already inside was ready with a cake I told him to make. He was an excellent chef.
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