When Ishu came to the house, I tried my best to make her feel welcome, I didn't do much because I was afraid that Ishu would not like anything extra.
But the worries washed away when I saw the contentment visible on Ishu's face.
And then we ate the cake which Raghav had made. He was an awesome cook and I admitted that to him.
And he blushed.
Oh my godddd, he was so adorable.
Ishu and I laughed so much, after a few talks, we called it a day and I sent Raghav back to his house.
When I closed the door after seeing him off, I turned around and Ishu's face that was lit just a few seconds ago was so dull right now.
"What happened, Ishu? You were just fine a couple of seconds ago. What happened to you now? Oh, is it because Raghav left? He wouldn't have gone too far, I can call him and tell him to come back and spend he might here, you know." I asked with a mischievous smile on my face but it soon disappeared when it had no affect on Ishu as it usually did.
"Really, Ishu. What happened? Tell me, is there a problem? Did anyone say anything to you? Touch you? Tell me." I asked, worried.
The maids were already gone to their homes and slept. The rooms were built just alongside the house when it was constructed just in case I wanted to hire someone to look after the house.
If I had not mentioned, (which I clearly didn't) it was already evening when we went to pick Ishu up and after we brought her home, we talked so much about random topics for many hours and now it was late night. But I didn't mind waking anyone and troubling him/her, who was the reason for Ishu's distress.
"No di. No one troubled me. Except myself. Di, I am really worried regarding you and-and Raghav." She held my hands.
"Di, he is a really powerful man. He might hurt you and Raghav. I really trust you two to protect me and yourself but, but I don't trust him that he will not try to harm you. He is a cruel man, di." I had never seen her so scared and the fact that she was not scared for herself but the girl whom she met two months ago and the boy she met 15 days ago, well, it is a different case in Raghav's side, you know, love at first sight always has a part of the heart.
I knew, but because I myself had not experienced it, and neither did i believe that it was real, I had already warned the both of them, Ishu and Raghav, that they must not be fools who think love at first sight is always true, and thankfully, they were smart and agreed to it.
Without getting into it further, I looked at Ishu, it was true I had already understood who the he was, but she wanted to know who he was by Ishu's mouth and also the reason why she was still so afraid of him.
Yeah, she understood that the girl had been traumatised by that monster of a man but now, she was safe.
And when Ishu kept on thinking about it, it made me feel that she was not able to make her feel protected.
Shrugging that off, I hugged her.
"Ishu. Don't worry about us or yourself. We are here to handle everything. Hmm? See, there are bodyguards and upgraded security in the company's and even in the home, there are bodyguards outside. They will protect you and me from any danger, ok?" I broke off the hug and took her to my room.
When she sat down on the bed, she gain started worrying.
"But di, years ago, when he wanted my mom, he took her at a huge cost. And if he wants me too, he will get me. Because I know many of his dark secrets. And to get me, he will do anything." I was confused when she said that he brought her mom at a huge cost and she knows his dark secrets, but I was smart enough to let it go. Seeing her condition, I knew it was only a waste of time to try making her understand that it was really hard for him to get here, but as I knew we could never be too careful, I had told the police the next day to keep a very strict eye on him.
When Ishu showed no sign of sleeping, I sighed and told her everything I could think of for comforting her.
"Listen, Ishu. I know there are many emotions inside you waiting to burst out, but you don't want them to and you are holding them back. You are suffocating inside and trying not to let anyone notice it. And you are fooling them, but you can't fool me. I know you are having a hard time keeping yourself in check, but you don't need to. Ishu, sometimes, all the emotions shouldn't be buried inside just because you think no one cares.
You know, there were times when I too, was hiding my emotions thinking no one cared if I cried or if I didn't, but then, slowly I understood that there are obviously people who don't care. But there are also people who do care. For us. And I care for you too. You don't need to hide from me.
I am not telling you to tell everything you have in mind, it is not possible even if you want to, because you have never gotten the chance to. Ishu, these days, I had studied you, how you kept to yourself, always worried. This is not the way of life Ishu. I know there is a really big fear inside you, but never let it become your reality.
Fear is a illusion, it should never become anyone's reality, because if it does, the person is doomed. Ishu, promise me, you will never bow down to fear like you are now. Doesn't matter what the thing is, you should not feel fear, yes, sometimes, things are too much and we might feel fear and overwhelmed emotions, but promise me, you will handle yourself. And," I held her hands. "And, always remember, whatever you do, I am with you. I may be far from you but I will support you from wherever I am, ok? You are my family and I am your family, of course people might come and go, but we will always be ther for each other. Promise?" I extended my palm toward her and she kept her palm on mine as a tear left her eye.
She Immediately hugged me and I hugged her back, we fell asleep while laying on the bed just like that, but when I was still awake and I knew she was awake too, I told many comforting words and more talks, small talks.
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