20 ~ Going back or... am I?

Saanvi pov.

I, Ritu and Uncle were supposed to go back Indore together.

And Ritu and Uncle have, but I have not.

"Why?" They had asked when I told them I wouldn't go with them. They thought I was angry at them for not saving me from Ishu.

"Raghav, the M.D of my company, called to say there is a investor who wants to invest in my company. But they have a condition, that I have to come to Patna for the meeting and stay there until the deal is done and dusted."

I justified and they had set off with out me.

It has been a month since then, the meeting there was complete within two weeks.

But these days, the company had been busy as there was a ton of work and with it, there were many meetings I had to attend.

And for that, I had to keep going from this city to that, that city to this and this state to that, that state to this.

I was homesick, so I decided to go back home today.

All meetings will now be handled by Raghav until I decide to come back.

(Me - which you will, but not for long. And you will come back after many months or maybe years.)

Sitting in a taxi, I tried to sort out plans for the company.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing.

Ishu calling......


She doesn't know I am coming back, this is supposed to be a surprise.


"What are you doing?" I heard a excited Ishu.

"Sitting in a taxi right now, why do you sound so excited?"

"Taxi? You should be buying hundreds of cars with the amount of money you have and here you are, sitting in a taxi." She complained.

"If I don't like to drive, what would I do with those cars you talk about?" I said.

"Anyways, I am so happy today! I just got a call for the Marot's. They accepted me. I will work in the Marot's as an intern! Can you believe that?"

She literally screamed.

She had always dreamt of becoming a fashion designer, and had been working to achieve that goal.

I smiled, but that didn't reach my eyes.

I wonder why, I should be happy.

I mean I was, but there was something in me that was paining.

And the reason of it was unknown to me.

"Really? That is such a good news. Wait until I come, I will spoil you so much."

I almost gave away my surprise but, I got away as she was just too happy to think about my lines.

"I'll hang up the phone now, I am going somewhere. Let me reach my destination, then we'll talk. Alright?" I asked.

I heard a small 'ok' and hung up the phone.

I sat back and as soon as I looked out the window, I saw it.

The magnet land starting to pass.

Earlier, all the times when I had seen it, it was beautiful.

But this time, it was glorious, gorgeous. Any word you have to represent beauty.

It looked like someone sprinkled life in every atom of this land.

It looked so captivating, I was hypnotised.

Out of all the four times I had seen this ground, it looked more mesmerizing this time, than any other time.

Earlier, It looked good, with a few trees here and there.

But now, it looked fabulous with so many trees.

The sand which looked lifeless once was still the same but now, it looked different. More..... beautiful...? I don't know.

It looked like the land was hiding something under its greenery, but I couldn't care less.

It was stunning and I didn't know how to compliment it enough.

Without knowing I did, I asked the driver to stop.

Getting out of the car, I walked towards the magnet land.

The driver didn't stop me as I had told him to drop me further ahead.

And he thought I was going to return soon. But little did he — or even I, for that matter — know, I was in for a long adventure.

I went in and in, forgetting I needed to get back.

I saw the same pind I had seen the first time, just more sparkling.

I saw the same piece of ground I stood upon, when I came here the first time and sent my letter flying in the air.

Just like the first time, I stood near the pond, staring at the horizon.

And I had this sense of comfort again, with a feeling added. Unknown.

The last time I was here, standing here was enough for me.

But this time, I sat down and started staring round the beautiful ground.

Was it this beautiful the last time I came?

It was like 9 months since I was last visited, but were 9 months enough for this land to go greeny green at every corner?

Like, don't get me wrong but trees growing this fast and this thick isn't so normal and you would know what I meant if you came here.

Maybe I should shrug it off. Someone probably took care of this land when I was away.

(I'll imagine something like this, but the tress are not this packed.)

When my eyes were roaming around, they spotted a way.

More like, a clear part where tress didn't grow yet.

I was sitting while looking at it, but then I felt a sudden pull.

Not like someone literally pulled me, but a sort of attraction. Attraction towards that part.

Should I go in there?

I probably shouldn't, the taxi driver is wait-

My feet took me to the clear part automatically. Everything and everyone went out my mind when I started walking on the path.

The jasmines and sunflowers and all kinds of flowers that grew there seemed to hypnotise me.

When I went out of sight of the taxi driver, he leaned back on his seat and drifted to sleep as if from magic. He thought I was going to meet someone, as the forest was quite thick and it could have a house or two hidden in it.

Author pov.

Saanvi went in deeper and deeper, until she could only see some part of the forest that was clear and she could walk ahead only that way.

She should have gone back at this point, but she didn't.

For a few minutes, she walked in a daze when suddenly, everything got greener. More livelier.

A distant pond was flowing sweetly in a little distance, but Saanvi didn't see it.

When she was near it, her foot accidentally slipped and she fell inside the water.

Saanvi pov.

Listen, I learnt swimming because I enjoyed going in the waters. Not falling in them.

I was walking, looking at a tree and then suddenly, something happened and I fell in the water.

And the thing is, I don't even know if someone pulled me or I feel because I tripped or something.

This is not the time to think these, scream for help you dumbs-

"Help." I tried to scream, but I should have known screaming underwater was equivalent to screaming with one's head on the pillow.

Throwing hands and legs up does not help you, if you are drowning, trust me.

Get up, to the surface. To the surface. Do it, atleast die where someone can find your body.

You can't die here, Ms. Saanvi! That's not what you deserve.

After a few minutes of throwing my hand in the water, my muscles grew tired and so I stopped.

Maybe you are actually dying here and right now, Saanu. Goodbye! It was nice knowing you.


I had thought I'd write more. But 🤷

Yrr, The amount of flattery I get from this one human on Pinterest whon I met just last week>>>>>>>>>>>> Any amount of tareef.

Also people, that was the last phone call with Ishu. Bid her adieu.

People, this doesn't feel real, like, writing and publishing what I only dreamt of writing once. That's crazy!

But really, when I started writing this book, I was like, 'What am I gonna do?', 'I have nothing planned!' and all sorts of things.

But this..........

This is simply unreal.

And yeah, I know I didn't write like superbb! But it is what it is.

Anyway, I love you all and byee!

p.s. if you are wondering why am I putting so many italics and bolds and underlined words, that's because I downloaded the app for writing this chapter as it is very special. So, hehe. And I am atlast going to upload this today(I told myself that I needed to update today.)

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