28 ~ Stars and flowers

I am not going to write the Sanskrit sentences in italic now that Saanvi- Divyanshi I mean, can understand Sanskrit a little better than before because of calming down of the initial wroked up state of her mind. And in the following days, she is going to expert herself in it.


I watched as she sighed after hearing my "name".

Yeah, I lied. But, would you tell your real name in this situation?

I don't what sense I applied, but I knew it wasn't going to help me if I answer honestly to her question. So, where's the problem?

"You really don't trust us, do you?"

"No." I simply answered.

I learnt the easy way not to keep these emotions inside, although I wasn't sure this time it was going to help or not.

She simply got up and left.

I could understand Sanskrit a little faster now, and I thank my brain for hushing down the adrenaline and emotions and focusing on the more important thing.

In no more than two minutes, I fall asleep.

When I open my eyes again, I am in a high tech cell.

Just kidding, I am still at that house.

That gir-Dhritika is waking me up from my slumber and I can see the slight hint of irritation on her face but as she seeing me waking up, that hint of irritation goes away, flooding her face with what I would say is relief.

Hah, perks of being a heavy sleeper! Can give relief to anyone after waking up.

We go to the same room we had gone in afternoon to eat, and I am greeted by the same sight, just different light.

It's night time, wow! I mean, not sarcastic but the looking through the window, the sky looked amazing.

I finished dinner quick, probably of excitement. Don't ask of what, because I don't know either.

So, to calm the excitement down, I focus on the slight elder man who just finished eating after telling me to stay for a bit and that he wanted to talk to me.

That's how you kill all the excitement.

I started rethinking everything that happened with me and what I did since I came here.

And the little sense of okayness I had after seeing the stars now and Dhritika in the afternoon had vanished in the starry sky I admired not much time ago.

Should I run away again?

What are they going to do with me? Torture me?

Well, I would be better safe than sorry so-

A loud bark, followed by series of other barks interrupt me and I am forced to discard any thoughts of running away again.

"Dhritika told me you were talking about some place called Indore. Is that where you came from."

Dhritika pov.

I saw Divyanshi nod her head as an answer for Pitaji's question.

I knew she was feeling threatened, reason why she didn't say her real name.

But I could do nothing to comfort her.

I looked at the sky and a thought struck me, maybe I could actually help her.

I had seen how her eyes twinkled when she saw the stars, she must really love the night sky.

So when Pitaji finished trying to ask her how she could reach Indore or how she came here, she named some things we didn't; then I took her out for stargazing.

I noticed how she was a little more comfortable arounnd only me than Mata and Pitaji so I convinced them that I wouldn't stray far with her and be in very close walking distance to home.

But I did almost the opposite, I took her far. Not really far but not as close as they would have us.

Here, she and I got the beautiful view of stars and the moon. The trees and shrubs and grasses illuminated by the moonlight gave us the sense of peace between the cricket song and occasional interrupting voices of the world around us.

Many minutes passed as we lay on the ground, admiring the stars and sky. She seemed to be lost in some thought when her head turned sideways and she saw the flower blanket covering the land.

Saanvi pov.

I sat up as I looked at the immense number of flowers ahead of me.

"Can I go there?" I ask her in my slightly broken Sanskrit.

She gave me a nod of approval and I gladly skipped my way there until I realised I was being watched.

I was a little far than her, but still.

I thought I was being watched by one pair of eyes, but I was being watched by two. One above the ground and one on the ground.

When I came closer to the flowers, I started walking really slow, to absorb each and every flower in my memories.

Some reminded me of my first meet with Ishu, filling my eyes with tears.

I was worried, really, about her and me.

Remembering the moments spent with her, I started walking further when I saw a flower identical to the one I had seen in her home.

I jogged towards it, held it near my nose and took a long breath.

"This feels like I first smelled this flower so many years ago that I do not even recognise the smell completely and it is so much more beautiful here than in there, although the same kind." I chuckled.

Someone came running to me and it was no one other than Dhritika.

"I thought I lost you or you..." She didn't have to finish the sentence, I got what she wanted to say.

But she gave me a small smile and said softly, "Let's go back now. We are not supposed to be here."

"Can't I be here for just some more time? These smell so great." I said, wanting to be here for a little longer.

"I understand, Divyanshi. But look around you, this is the near the palace. And we are not supposed to roam here in the dead of the night alone." She said, trying to make me understand.

I look around, at saw a grand and beautiful building standing behind me.

I only looked at it for a second, so I can't describe it much but in simple words, it was awesome.

Then I turned around and nodded to her, who took my hand and started nearly jogging out of there.

Abhiraj pov.

This night was so pleasant and peaceful, unlike the day.

I was in my room when I heard the soft gush of wind passing my ears.

After the constant running I did today, my body needed to relax but these days, I wasn't exactly free anytime. So winds like these were often pleasing to me and whenever they flowed, I would go to the window and feel the air blow my air.

Now too, I went to the window for a break.

I noticed a girl walking slowly by the flower bed and then jogging to one specific flower plant in the flower bed behind the palace.

She smelled it, and said that she felt it was years since the he first time she had smelled the flower because it's smell could hardly be recognised and then said, "and it is so much more beautiful here than in there, although the same kind."

I smiled at that. I like people who appreciate nature.

Then a girl came and said something, to which she replied something and after getting a reply, she looked back at the palace for a second and left with the girl.

I couldn't listen to their conversation because of the sudden strong wind nor could I see her face as her hair flew right infront of her at the moment she turned back.

So after they left, I returned back to my work when the girl from afternoon suddenly welcomed herself in my thoughts.

I looked at my quiver of arrows, and then remembered the arrow she had at the moment.

Shaking my head to get rid of her- I mean, the events' thoughts, I heaved a sigh and decided to retire to bed for today.


So, he was frowning at her in the afternoon and smiling at her at night? Wow.

And you know what, writing the 'she must really love the night sky' part from Dhritika's pov constantly reminded me of Nisha.

By the way, Divyanshi had showered and changed her previous clothes so Abhiraj couldn't guess that she was the same girl he met with whom he *uhm* got stuck.

And you don't know how reluctant I was to write this chapter.

Anyways, love you all, and bye!

Edit - I have no clue what to write next so I don't know when the next update will be.

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